Przejdź to fortunek

#8: 4 + / - (txt)

22-01-2013 19:16

21:22 :::: wepster kicked TBH from #error and said: hau
21:22 :::: TBH! has joined #error
21:22 < TBH> ...
21:22 <+cosik> TBH: a co
21:22 <+Piotr3ks> żeby nie powiedzieć, że to reverse engineering
21:22 <@milyges> TBH: masz autrejoin>?
21:22 < TBH> eee... nie!
21:22 < TBH> to szybkie palce!
21:22 <@milyges> wepster: gramy w ping ponga?
21:22 < TBH> ...
21:22 < TBH> dzieki kurwa :<
21:22 <@wepster> milyges: ping
21:22 <@milyges> e
21:23 <@milyges> wepster: pong
21:23 < TBH> milyges: chyba nie mowicie powaznie
21:23 < TBH> :d
21:23 <+Piotr3ks> milyges: ping -f
21:23 :::: wepster kicked TBH from #error and said: ping
21:23 :::: TBH! has joined #error
21:23 :::: milyges kicked TBH from #error and said: pong
21:23 :::: TBH! has joined #error
21:23 < TBH> //
21:23 <+cosik> :D
21:23 < TBH> czuje sie ponizany
21:23 :::: wepster kicked TBH from #error and said: ping^2
21:23 :::: TBH! has joined #error
21:23 < TBH> :D
21:23 :::: milyges kicked TBH from #error and said: pong^2
21:23 :::: TBH! has joined #error
21:23 :::: mode/#error: -o+b TBH *!tbh@* by widex
21:23 :::: widex kicked TBH from #error and said: Join flood (4 joins in 19secs of 50secs)
21:23 <@milyges> :D:D
21:23 <@wepster> lol

#4: -15 + / - (txt)

21-01-2013 22:30

**** azhag wali w kimono, bo leci na pysk
<@azhag> tramwaj do salonu obczajony :)
<@azhag> debianoc
<@milyges> wybroniles sie
<@milyges> :p
<@milyges> dobranoc
<+SpLiTeR> ;-)
<@milyges> ja dodawanie dzis zrobie
<@azhag> :)
**** azhag znikł

#2: 93 + / - (txt)

01-01-1970 01:00

I saw a book entitled "Die GNU Autotools" and I thought "My feelings exactly". Turns out the book was in German.

#1: 102 + / - (txt)

01-01-1970 01:00

<@milyges> bo fortunek nie ma twoich...
<@milyges> nadal...
<@azhag> :(
<@milyges> no
<@milyges> zepnij poslada
<@milyges> i zrob :)
<@azhag> można by trzasnąć dugowe fortunki
<@milyges> :D
< gordon> no to koniec
<@milyges> e
<@azhag> połączyć sesją z forum, tak jak portal
<@milyges> trzeba by skrypt
<@milyges> nie bede w php pisal
<@milyges> :<
<@azhag> o jaki jaśnie pan się zrobił, w php nie będzie pisał :D

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